How long do Wax Melts last? How to make your Wax Melts last longer
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How long do Wax Melts last? How to make your Wax Melts last longer

24 october 2022

Are you looking for wax melts but unsure which one will last the longest? The answer to this question depends on several factors, ranging from wax quality, manufacturing process, use of different types of oils, and consumer care. The longevity of wax melts on the burn time. Burn time defines how much time is expected for the wax melt to offer scent to the users.

If you use two cubes of wax melts, it can last for 8 to 12 hours. You can consider different factors while using the wax melts to make them last longer.

Type of Wax Warmer Used

You can enjoy wax melts using hot warmers. The wax melts come with the ideal melting temperature range to create the scent. The design of the wax melts on various factors, ranging from the fragrances and oils in the wax melts.

Increasing the warmer temperature results in excessive heating of the wax, leading to evaporation of the notes, which reduces the burn time. If you keep the wax quite cool, no such activity will occur with a less intense fragrance. Make sure to find a warmer that heats the wax melts in an appropriate range.

Ideally, high-end wax melts with their corresponding wax warmers are advised. It is because the companies have different formulas of wax melt recipes with varying temperature ranges and oil and wax ratio combinations. Some brands advise using a specific temperature to melt the wax melts.

It is essential to know the temperature range of the wax warmer when you are planning to throw in wax melts. Some wax warmers come with timers, while some lack timers, which means you can easily set the alarm and get the consistency of wax melts. The wax warmers come with a 3, 6, or 9-hour integrated timer featuring a light button that allows easy management of fragrance delivery.

How Long Unused Wax Melts Last


How Long Can You Leave a Wax Warmer On?

If you are using the candle-lit warmer, make sure it will burn for around 4 to 8 hours till the time your candle extinguishes. However, the recommended time is 4 hours for a light tea candle. On the other hand, electric burners can be used for around 10 hours.

How You Burn Your Wax Melts

Wax warmers are ideal for determining wax melts' burn time and fragrances. You can burn the wax melts for electric wax warmers at various levels. Wax warmers of the electric type are not so hot for tea-light burners, which means they last longer. However, people who like heavy scents can use candlelit warmers because they get hotter than electric warmers, giving you a strong fragrance.

Type of Wax Melt Used

Different types of wax melts are available on the market based on their manufacturing process. You cannot control how a company manufactures the wax melts, but check which type of wax is in the wax melts. The wax melts are available in two different types for you: soy wax and beeswax.

There are also paraffin-based wax melts that contain benzene, which is toxic to humans if consumed (check are scented candles bad for you?). These wax melts cannot be burned. It is a non-renewable resource that badly impacts the environment, so using wax melts based on soybeans is recommended.

What type of oil is used?

Fragrance Oils

Fragrance oils are a mix of chemical compounds, either synthetic or natural, to offer a high fragrance. They are eminent as "carrier oils" for making wax melts.

Wax melts come with a 6% concentration of fragrances based on the amount of oil used in the wax. For instance, a wax melt comes with 100 grams of wax. It can have a fragrance oil of around 12 grams, which means it comes with a 12% load of fragrance oil.

In some cases, the wax melts bond with a certain proportion of fragrance oil, which is an important factor when considering the scent of wax melts.

Essential Oils:

Essential oils are a type of natural oil that has plant essence. They are a resin derived from plants or liquid pressed, distilled, or easily extracted from plant parts.

Essential oils are also added to the wax melts, giving them a mesmerizing scent. The essential oils have a less lasting fragrance than the wax melts with fragrance oils. These oils are synthetically made compared to essential oils, usually 100% natural. However, some essential oils are synthetically scented, giving a long-lasting fragrance to the wax melts.

Essential Oils Wax Melts

Do Wax Melts Lose Their Scent?

When comparing the wax of the wax melts with candles, the fragrance of the wax melts does not evaporate, similar to the candles. However, the wax melts tend to lose scent with time. Whether the wax melts or loses scent depends on how you look after it and how long the scent will dissipate (also check 8 best-selling scented wax melts).

How Do You Make You’re Wax Melts Last Longer?

Burn time for each wax melt is based on the manufacturing process, use of fragrance, and how you store it, but there are certain important factors that you need to consider, which include the following. These tips help in enhancing the longevity of the wax melts.

- To get rid of old wax, clean your wax warmer regularly.

It is one of the most commonly recommended steps because it reduces the burn time of your wax melt once you clean the wax warmer.

- Slowly heat your wax melt (keep an eye on the temperature).

Slowly heating the wax melt helps enhance the burn time of wax melts. Check the temperature range when heating the wax melts. It varies among different wax melts based on the manufacturing process, how you heat them, burn time, and the use of other oils.

- Only use it when you need it.

Do not use the wax melts if you don't need them. Instead, make sure to use and heat them in wax warmers at the time of use.


How Long Unused Wax Melts Last?

The longevity of the wax melt timing varies depending on various factors. Extremely hot wax warmers result in the evaporation of notes quicker than wax warmers with a cooler temperature. The wax melts can last for around 3 hours to 3 days, but the longevity of the wax melts varies.

How Often Should You Change Wax Melts?

Changing the wax melts as soon as they lose their fragrance is best. This usually occurs in a range of 5-8 hours of consumption. The high-quality melts, however, lose their scent after 8–12 hours, depending on the manufacturing process and quality of ingredients.

How Long Do Wax Melts Last in Storage?

The use of wax melts is based on different factors, but burn time greatly impacts how you store them and their packaging. Make sure to stack the wax melts properly because they might lose their fragrance if they touch each other.

Ensure to store all your wax melts within the packaging while storing them in cool, dark places. Keep the wax melting away from direct sunlight and extreme heat. The ultimate change in weather can make your wax melts lose fragrance with a shorter burn time.


The shelf life of wax melts varies in terms of burn time, packaging, and consumer process. People who buy soy wax melts have a long shelf life. The wax melts take around a year or so to last perfectly. However, they might burn well after a year but won't give you a fresh scent.

The soy wax melts are the ultimate choice amongst buyers because they are fresh, environmentally friendly, and luxurious in terms of quality and fragrance (also check the most expensive candle).

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