Cheapest way to make house smell good, what we love to do
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Cheapest way to make house smell good, what we love to do

24 october 2022

A clean house is crucial not only for you but for your family's health as well. This directly affects both mental and physical health. Your home should smell good to keep your mood pleasant and refresh your mind for better and positive thinking. Therefore, always use different ways of keeping your home clean with a good smell for a better start to the day and overall health.

Below are a few inexpensive ways that can help you make your home smell good and pleasant.

Top 8 Ways to Make Your House Smell Heavenly Good

  1. Homemade Deodorizing Solutions:

Homemade deodorizers can make your home smell pleasant and free of bacteria. You can make your homemade deodorizer by mixing water, lemon, and baking soda. However, combining these ingredients may produce gassy bubbles, but this will settle down soon, and the final mixture can work as a natural and safe deodorizer.

Luckily these ingredients are very cheap and affordable, and almost every house has them. There are many other ways too of making homemade deodorizers. You can consider these ideas before buying those fancy-looking expensive products.

Homemade Deodorizing

  1. Freshen up your carpets:

Carpets are sure to get smelly and dirty due to the traffic that passes on them. Think of the amount of dirt and smell it will leave if you walk by them daily, especially those in living areas or corridors. Therefore, it is essential to keep them tidy with a good smell for hygienic living. For that purpose, you can try a homemade mixture of daily usage food items to best do this job safely.

For example, take a cup of baking soda and one tablespoon of well-grounded cinnamon. Put this mixture into a cheese dispenser or any other similar holder and start sprinkling it on the carpet. Keep this mixture on the surface for an hour or a half before you use a vacuum cleaner. This homemade solution will clean your carpet and give everyone a warm and pleasant smell of cinnamon.

  1. Deodorize the Stinking Shoes:

Your smelly shoes can make your house look dirty and smell bad. This dirt gets in every time you return to your home from outside. The pungent smell of your feet these shoes create, especially on those hot summer days, and does linger around, leaving an unpleasant or nasty odor. You can make a homemade solution to spray inside the shoes to prevent them from smelling.

Take two cups of water and add two teaspoons of tea tree oil or thyme. Use a spray bottle for spraying this solution in the area where that shoe rack or shoes are lying. You can even spray it inside the shoes, but ensure it dries out when you wear them.

  1. Scented Candles

Using scented candles is an old yet compelling and practical way of keeping your home smelling good and pleasant throughout the day. You can buy one from a supermarket; however, you can make one at home by using common natural ingredients. Orange peel or cinnamon candles are best for this purpose.

Take a full-size orange, peel the fruit from inside, and put melted wax inside the empty rinds. Hold the wick inside with the help of straw by making a small hole and placing it across the orange peel.

Once the wax completely dries down and hardens enough, cut the wick into just a half-inch size left (check 8 great scented wax melts). You can also put those cinnamons outside the orange rind in a circle shape to add an extra warm and spicy smell effect. This homemade orange candle's beautiful aroma will make your home smell good and pleasant.

Ways to Make Your House Smell Good

  1. Eliminate Nasty Pet Smell:

If you have animals, especially dogs or cats, their smell will linger throughout the house wherever they go. Therefore, you can use a homemade solution between the period of their next bath or a grooming session.

To make a solution, take two cups of distilled water, twelve drops of essential oils, and three tablespoons of rubbing alcohol. Mix them well and put the resulting solution in a solid spray bottle. You can use essential oil with other benefits to enhance the solution's effect. For example, to prevent fleas, you can use lavender oil, and similarly, to repel mosquitoes, ticks, or lice, you may even use eucalyptus or cinnamon oil.

  1. Create a Simmer Pot with Lemon and Rosemary

A mixture of rosemary and lemon in a simmer pot can help make a friendly and pleasant solution to aromatize your home. All you need is to mix rose leaves, vanilla extract, and one slice of lemon in a small stockpot.

This mixture must simmer the whole day and linger around all your rooms to smell amazing. However, this mixture will only last for a couple of days, and then you must change it with the same pot mixture for the scent to keep aromatizing your whole house.

This solution is another cheap and safer way to keep your home smelling good and pleasuring. Above all, these mentioned ingredients are present in every house kitchen and are affordable for regular use.

  1. Make a Natural Room Diffuser:

Instead of buying those fancy-looking room scent diffusers from shopping malls that look nice but smell weird and are expensive too, you can make one at home. Get a few wooden bamboo skewers and an all-purpose lemon-scented cleaner with a small jar or glass. Now fill the solution halfway inside that container.

Start adding the bamboo skewers in the glass and put them on the living room table or your side tables in the bedroom. This homemade natural scented diffuser can help to make your rooms and other house areas smell amazingly good.

  1. Make a citrus scented room spray:

Oranges, lemons, or other citrusy scents can make your home smell amazing. There is a simple homemade idea that you can use to make your citrusy Air freshener. Just take a spray water bottle and mix it with clean water. Mix 10-15 drops of any citrusy essential oil. You can use orange, tangerine, lemon, or grapefruit.

To make the spray bottle look pretty and the solution more potent, you can add the peels of the fruits. You may even use a commercial diffuser, but rather than adding scents available in shopping malls; you can use essential oils for enhanced and natural effects.

Many other essential oils can have a soothing impact, with a few others adding a divine smell to your diffuser for a more pleasurable and pleasant aroma.


Can activated charcoal be good for eliminating odor?

Activated charcoal is very effective in eliminating odors. Instead of covering up the bad smells like those odor control techniques, these activated charcoals permanently eliminate them. There are many small and easy charcoal-based hacks available on the internet that you can easily use to remove all bad and awkward odors.

Is there a DIY to make your home smell good?

You can make your DIY stovetop potpourri at home. Add a few cranberries, cinnamons, orange slices, and rosemary sprigs to a hot pot of water and simmer it as long as you want. You can even try rosemary, lemons, limes, or vanilla to make an amazingly fresh, citrusy smell and aromatize your home.

Can Air Purifier is used to eliminate smell?

Air purifiers are primarily for removing harmful containments like pet dander, allergens, and even airborne illness.

They can keep you safe from toxic substances that may enter your body through the nose, ears, or even directly from the mouth. However, there are some available that can eliminate the bad smells along with providing fresh air.


No matter which of the above homemade crafts you may use, the end purpose should be to keep your home clean and fresh from all sorts of nasty smells. The above study aims to spread awareness about why your house should smell and look good and what steps and ideas are best suited for their execution.

All the homemade solutions above can effectively keep your home clean and smell good or pleasant at an affordable price without even paying a special trip to supermarkets. So, try them out as they are pretty easy to craft and harmless without any side effects. After all, a good-smelling house does boost your morale and contributes to fresh living with positive thinking.

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